알라파하 Alapaha 래빗아이 블루베리 종류별 품종특성
극만생종 -초기(8상~8중),중립, U.S. Plant Patent
2001년 죠지아주립대학교 육성.저온요구 40~500h,
직립으로 자라며 수세왕성, 수확량이 좋음.
와 같은 시기에 빨리 익는다.꽃은 늦게 핀다.
(U.S. Plant Patent 16,266):
Part of the Georgia River Series,
is a 2001 release of the University of Georgia .
It flowers after Climax
however fruit ripens about the same time as Climax.
Plants have very
vigorous upright growth with narrow crowns.
The fruit is medium in size with
excellent color,
firmness, and yields; it also has a dry stem scar.
is recommended to be planted with cultivars that bloom
at a similar time such as
Austin and Premier for pollination.
Alapaha's chilling requirement is 450 to
550 hours.